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Located in the historic and commercial heart of Girona.


In 1901, Doctor Josep Maria Massa was born in Carrer Nord in Girona. Due to the Spanish Civil War, he was forced to go into exile in Venezuela, though he never lost his ties with the city and managed to maintain ownership of the building as a family home.

More than 100 years later, the family decided to renovate the building completely to convert it into the Hotel Nord 1901, currently run by his grandson, Luís.

Subsequently, in 2019, a final expansion and upgrade was carried out, adding suite-type rooms and opening the restaurant L'Assaig 1901, located on the ground floor.

The essence of the building, as well as its family history and link with the Barri Vell of Girona is transmitted in the colors, materials and decoration of the entire hotel, with which the family wanted to pay homage to their grandfather, Dr. Massa.

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